Annual Report 2023 Updates to Inductive Reasoning Test, Creation of Digital Aptitude Tests, New Personality Measure, Database Reorganization

Annual Report 2022 Prototype of Digital Analytical Reasoning Test, Preliminary Equating Study of Digital Analytical Reasoning with Analog Version, Updates to Inductive Reasoning Test, New Experimental Personality Measure

Annual Report 2020-21 Occupational Plots for Additional Careers and for Wiggly Block; Age Curve for Tweezer Dexterity; “Broad” and “Narrow” Aptitudes vs. Personality Traits

Annual Report 2019 Occupational Plots with Aptitudes and with Interests; Examinees who are Satisfied with their Careers vs. Unsatisfied; Test Scores across Time; Age Curves for Graphoria, Number Memory, and Color Discrimination; Aging and Aspects of Openness; Aptitudes and Openness

Annual Report 2018 Occupational Plots for 27 Career Fields; Foresight and Creative Achievement; “Fit”: Aptitudes, Interests, and their Fit with College Major and Occupation; Is Use of Aptitudes Related to Job Satisfaction?

Annual Report 2017 Long-term Stability of Aptitudes; Occupations in Education; Writing Speed – Age Curve and Correlation with Ideaphoria; Test Scores Across Time; Follow-Up Studies (5 yr, 10 yr, and 1 yr); STEM-Oriented vs. People-Oriented Fields – Aptitudes and Interests

Annual Report 2016 Test Scores Across Time; Neuro-Imaging Study of Artistic Judgment; Internal Analysis of Number Memory; Follow-Up Studies (10 year); Age Curves for Analytical Reasoning and Number Facility; Structural Visualization and STEM Majors

Annual Report 2015 Aptitudes and Brain Imaging Update; Heritability; Test Scores Across Time; Experimental Inductive Reasoning Items; High School to College Study; Aptitudes of Theatre Artists; Foresight and Creative Achievement; Cognitive Scales from SAPA Personality Project; Ten Year Follow-Up Study

Annual Report 2014 Aptitudes and Brain Imaging Update; Heritability; Long-Term Stability of Aptitudes; Number of Aptitudes; Experimental Inductive Reasoning Items; Early-Career Adult Study; Creativity Project

Annual Report 2013 Long-Term Stability of Aptitudes; Experimental Inductive Reasoning Items; Heritability; Wiggly Block Administration; Study of Alumni over the Age of 65; Auditory Aptitudes Project; Theatre Artists Study; Relationship between ACT and Foundation Tests; Client Satisfaction Study

Annual Report 2012 Aptitudes and Brain Imaging; Aptitudes and Educational Attainment; Aptitudes in STEM Fields; Aptitudes of Engineering Students; Self-Directed Search; Sex Differences in Variability; Alumni Study; Experimental Inductive Reasoning Items;

Digital copies of the following Technical Reports are available. Please direct inquiries to

2019-1 Occupational Plots by Occupation D.H. Schroeder, A.D. Brown

2017-1: Occupations in Education C. Condon, D.H. Schroeder

2013-1: Sex Differences in Variability D.H. Schroeder

2012-3: Four Studies of the Self-Directed Search D.H. Schroeder

2012-2: The Aptitudes of Engineering Students C. Condon, D.H. Schroeder

2012-1: Aptitudes, Vocabulary, and Educational Attainment D.H. Schroeder

2008-2: Memory for Design: Internal Characteristics and Validation Data D.H. Schroeder, C. Condon

2008-1: Is The Flynn Effect Primarily a Rise in Structural Visualization? C. Condon, D.H. Schroeder

2007-1: Analysis of Fixed Piece and Standard Administrations and Alternative Scoring Methods on the Wiggly Block Test D.H. Schroeder, C. Condon

2005-1: The Aptitudes of Attorneys S.H. Goldman, D.H. Schroeder, K. Jang

2003-1: The Aptitudes of Software Engineers R. Burke, T. Fitzgerald

1999-1: Factors Affecting Word Association Responses T. B. McAveeney

1998-1: Artistic Judgment: Review of Project and Study of Schoolchildren D.H. Schroeder, N. Bezruczko

1997-1: Long-Term Stability of 11 Aptitudes J.K. Bethscheider, D.H. Schroeder

1994-1: Annotated Bibliography of Vocabulary-Related Work Produced by the Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation M. A. Shand

1992-2: The Spelling Project K.E. Green, D.H. Schroeder

1991-1: Artistic Judgment III: Artist Validation N. Bezruczko, D.H. Schroeder

1990-6: Construction and Analysis of Semantic Properties of Alternate Form of the Personality Worksample E.M. Veccia, D.H. Schroeder

1990-5: Vocabulary Scores of Managers R.C. Gershon

1990-4: Artistic Judgment II: Construct Validation N. Bezruczko, D.H. Schroeder

1990-3: Rasch-Model Procedures Used to Build the JOCRF Vocabulary Item Bank R.C Gershon

1990-2: The Color Discrimination Project J.K. Bethscheider

1990-1: Development and Internal Structural Analysis of a New Pitch Discrimination Test E.M. Veccia, D.H. Schroeder

1989-2: Artistic Judgment Project I: Internal Structural Analyses N. Bezruczko, D.H. Schroeder

1989-1: The Aptitudes of Dentists J.K. Bethscheider

1988-5: The Measurement of Structural Visualization: An Evaluation of Spatial and Nonspatial Sources of Variation in the Wiggly Block and Paper Folding Test Scores M. Zimowski, W. Wothke

1988-4: The Perceptual Abilities Project J.K. Bethscheider

1988-2: Analysis of Cognitive Style Measures K.E. Green

1988-1: Artistic Judgment: A Review of Research N. Bezruczko

1987-1: The Numerical Facility Project J. Tal

1986-2: Aptitudes of Guidance Counselors J. Tal

1985-5: Aptitudes of Journalists, J. Tal

1985-3: Numerical Facility: A Review of the Literature J. Tal

1985-1: Cognitive Style: A Review of the Literature K.E. Green

1984-2: Intra-Person Variability in Cognitive Test Performance M. Daniel

1984-1: The Vocabulary Scores of Company Presidents R. Smith, G. Supanich

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