Aptitude Testing and Research since 1922

Since 1922, we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people understand their innate potential and choose careers that fit how their minds like to work, naturally.

Schedule Your Test Who Should Get Tested?

There are half a million careers in the world.

How do you find yours?

Just like scientists use data to make predictions, aptitude testing can help you predict the types of careers you’ll thrive in. Our work is rooted in the scientific study of human abilities and the mission of our founder, Johnson O’Connor, who believed that everyone has natural talents that should be nurtured and used.

What Are Aptitudes?

Who Can Benefit From Our Approach?


High school students preparing for college make up one portion of the Foundation’s clients. Identifying strengths and weaknesses as a result of aptitude testing can make the process of making decisions about schools and majors much easier. Before investing time and money in education, it makes sense to give some thought to how that education relates to careers.


College students may have already made some decisions about education and career, and they will benefit from learning about their aptitudes too. Gaining insight into which role is most appropriate for them within a given field, or learning about new ideas they hadn’t previously considered, are just two examples of the kinds of information college students would obtain from our testing.


About half our clients are employed adults who want help in planning their career path. Adults who decide to take advantage of the Foundation’s aptitude testing program include people unhappy or dissatisfied by their current jobs, those facing promotions or transfers, and those who are facing downsizing or other types of career transition.

Fall Sale!

Test in October and save $150!


Terms & Conditions

Scheduling & Cost

Our aptitude testing program consists of two in-person testing sessions, each about three-hours long, and the evaluation conference, which is conducted over Zoom and runs between 60 and 90 minutes. Most of our clients choose the one-day testing format (testing in the morning and afternoon with a lunch break in the middle of the day), but separate, half-day testing appointments are also available.

Our current fee is $950. We request a $100 deposit to hold appointments.


What are Aptitudes?

Aptitudes are natural talents for doing certain kinds of things quickly and easily. We measure 21 different aptitudes ranging from reasoning abilities to musical talents to workplace personality. These abilities aren’t related to what you’ve learned in school or your interests, which can change over time. Aptitudes are talents you’re born with, so you can use your test results to make decisions throughout your career.

About Aptitudes

Our Tests are Different

Personality tests and interest questionnaires reflect how you feel about yourself at that moment in time. Our tests don’t consist of answering subjective questions or filling out forms, and they’re not influenced by factors like past experiences or schooling. We provide objective data about how your mind likes to work and what careers might best match your combination of abilities.

About Testing

How will Aptitude Testing Help Me Choose a Career?

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is one of the most important aspects of career planning. Aptitude testing provides objective data about the areas you’re likely to succeed in and the ones you might want to avoid. People tend to be more satisfied and successful in occupations that use their aptitudes.

The Testing Experience

Our tests aren’t like school tests but are more like puzzles or games. About half of our tests are given individually by a trained test administrator; the rest are given using audio-visual equipment. There are no “good” or “bad” scores on our tests, just objective measurements of how naturally a task comes to you.

Client Experiences

“The Individual who knows his own aptitudes, and their relative strengths, chooses more intelligently among the world’s host of opportunities.”

Are you ready to choose intelligently?

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